Circle Back to Your Dreams for Small Groups

​​​​​​As the group forms, it is led by a coach/facilitator from BOOMERangs. Gradually, as the group gets familiar with its differences, sets its norms, and learns to coach, the facilitator’s role diminishes and the group leads itself. This is not to say the coach/facilitator goes away. He/she continues to be a member of the group but in an advisory capacity

Yes, Group Coaching costs less but the experience and results are not compromised. Where individual coaching enables you and the coach to take a “deep dive” into all the realms of your retirement, group coaching provides you with a broader perspective as so many more minds and hearts are present. You gain by others coaching you and you gain by coaching others.

Group Coaching sessions

  • Form a group of your own and BOOMERangs will coach you at our group rate
  • Become part of a group set up by BOOMERangs made up of people requesting to be part of a group
  • Form your own group and use the Self Coaching Workbook and Leader's Guide

Cost and Logistics:

  • For the first two options the cost is the same, $500.00 per person for 10 sessions  
  • Each group has a maximum of 10 people and is 2 hours in length
  • Sessions are held on Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Activities to be completed between sessions
  • Ongoing Individual Coaching is available. ​​​

Boomerangs Retirement Life Coaching

Non-Financial Retirement Coaching

Non-Financial Retirement Coaching 

Group Coaching Sessions

Perfect for a group of individuals who value the support of other boomers who are experiencing similar challenges and opportunities. As the name implies Group Coaching relies on the wisdom of the group to provide each of its members with a retirement intention and options for fulfilling it. To take full advantage of the group’s wisdom each member must be willing and able to coach others. You provide the first and we provide the second.

Different from the “deep dive” individual coaching provides, group coaching offers a broad range of ideas and perspectives about each person’s retirement. In group coaching the breadth of retirement options is far more apparent as each member of the group explores their own options and aids all the others in their exploration. 

Group Coaching is a lot like being a member of a team. Each group member shares the same overarching objective – to create and realize a retirement that is uniquely theirs. To achieve it, individuals not only work toward their own retirement dream but those of all the other group members. The full wisdom of the group manifests in each member’s choices.

When the group’s focus is on you and your retirement it is amazing how much you are given. When the group’s attention is on someone else and you are helping them, it is amazing how much you are given!

A BOOMERangs Coach will take the group through the 3 phased process of circling back to your dreams: 

1. Break from Career and Profession

2. Take a Productive Pause

3. Make a Fresh Start. 

Are you a financial advisor that is interested in offering your clients retirement life coaching?

Partner with BOOMERangs Retirement Life Coaching to offer your clients a holistic approach to preparing and living their retirement vision. Offer a group of clients or prospects a "Circle Back to Your Dreams" Group Workshop or gift the group a Self-Coaching Workbook.  Purchase a Leader's Guide to help faciliate and debrief activities in the workbook. 

Experience the power and support of Group Coaching

Contact Boomerangs at (914) 447-2745 or email